Aye, aye!

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Cookie Monster, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008

    Meet Jimmy.

    He is a stray that my mum, Compost Corner, has been feeding outside for years. Two weeks ago I was visiting mum and Jimmy went missing for 3 days - we thought the worst as he was such a regular visitor to her that this had never happened before.

    Come Saturday night, who turns up but Jimmy looking a real mess - he had been in a fight and the offending attacker had clawed right into his eye and punctured it. He was swollen and in a LOT of pain.

    I bundled him back home with me and my vet friend Justine took him in and removed the remainder of his eye and did the decent thing by neutering him at the same time. So we have a new addition to our feline friends now.

    Here he is post-op and looking so much better.

    Shame about my faux pas though. I asked my partner James to keep 'an eye out' on what Jimmy was up to. and by accident I said' ' Oooh Argh Jim La!'

    He could do with a pirate eye patch! Make him look very handsome!


    Making himself at home...


    Making friends...


    BP not quite sure about this fella yet!


    It is a bit of a struggle to get him out of the habit of spraying around the house. I've been following him around with cif in one hand and febreeze in the other - but it is getting better as hopefully all that testosterone works out of his system.

    Considering his background, he is a real charmer - he happily plonks himself on our knees and has the most affectionate head-butt!

    As with any stray, we had him checked out for Feline Leukaemia and Feline Aids (FeLV/FIV) - thankfully, despite all his past fights, he was negative. It would have been a different story otherwise as we could not have justified introducing him into our household with our existing cats.
  2. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    Aw, the poor darling. But he was lucky after all that you were there visiting your Mom and so took him straight home with you.....................

    He seems to be getting over it now and BP will come around (fingers crossed!). Will you keep him at your house now or take him back to your Mom?

    Give him a big kiss and cuddle from me. k-l

    And this one for you for acting so quickly and saving him k-l
  3. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Here here!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thmb: 02
  4. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Ah, thanks so much Kedi and 02. :luv::luv:

    He has just come back from the vets and he is doing fine. His dissolving eye sutures did not dissolve quite quickly enough and they were starting to irritate him, so we just had them taken out and everything has healed fine.

    We think Jimmy will stay with us, but every time we go away, mum looks after all the mogs for us, so he will get time on his old turf again - but hopefully avoid the nasty ginger tom who terrorizes her neighbourhood and whom we strongly suspect did this to him in the first place. We should have got him neutered sooner, but it was always in the back of our minds that he may have an official home and did not want to risk getting into trouble by neutering someone else's cat. However, when it was us he came to with his eye, I realized that there probably was not another owner and that if he did have one and they left him like this, then they had no right to keep any animal - he was in so much pain - so we took control of the situation then.

    He's happy as a sandboy now and has 2 platonic girlfriends to boot! :lollol:

    Happy Ending in my book k-l

    Thanks for your kind thoughts ladies x

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