Has anyone succeeded with Ballota cuttings? I'd guess that they need very well-drained compost, and I can provide gentle bottom heat, but never having tried them before I'd appreciate anyone's advice! Same goes for Convolvulus cneorum...I need to build up stocks of drought-resistant 'silvers' ready for summer
Convulvous cneorum roots easily - always well to have a supply of cuttings of this gorgeous but short-lived plant. My hunch is that ballota would also be easy - has it got square-section stems? They're always easy. (Someone will now proceed to disprove this!)
Yes, square section stems, Madahhlia. The bit I'm bothered about is following the advice to enclose the pot in a plastic bag...I'd have thought that the woolly leaves would develop grey mould pretty easily if they're enclosed
I wouldn't put those in a plastic bag - but a lidded propagator, where the plants have more air and wouldn't be touching the sides might be OK.