Bamboo and grasses

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by french floozie, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. french floozie

    french floozie Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2008
    Has anyone successfully grown Bamboo from seed?
    Also grasses?
    We have about 300 sq metres of land that I want to plant up with bamboos and grasses and it is obviously going to be too expensive to do it with mature plants so I want to try and do as much as I can from propagation and seed.
    I know you can split them but I have seen seed for sale and am just wondering if it is actually possible to grow from seed or if this is just a gimmicky thing.
    (I know this wil take ages to do but this is a long term project and I'm not looking at planting onto the site for a year or more)
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Hi FF, I have grown some plants of pubescens, which I think is another name for edulis.

    I sowed the seed about four years ago now and after a slow start they are really getting going now, which is good as I think its one of the bigger types.
    Its just like growing grass, but longer term, and the seed is only rarely available of any paticular type.

    Miscanthus is a grass that I have also grown from seed, and its easy.

    I've also tried a tropical bamboo, which was not a good pot plant. [​IMG]

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