As we're on a roll today having a good old moan about things, anyone want to comment on RBS senior bankers getting £1 billion in bonuses, a lot of which will actually be state money? I think its obscene and even more so is the governments ineffectual handling of it. Hand wringing and bleating that its written into their contracts is not on. If the country hadn't bailed RBS out, there would be no job or money to pay these bonuses!
I`m totally disgusted!!! Having a few issues with cash the RBS ( who I have an account with the theiving swindling.............................!!!!), I got a call about going over my overdraft limit-I told her that as I am a majority shareholder therefore her boss she was being told by me to refund the charge. She didn`t find it very funny-nor did the witch refund the charge. What is most aggravating is that the stay on the refund of bank charges ( that will fingers crossed be proved unlawful) does not have any chance of being lifted for 18 mths. And also, the banks and credit card companies, along with a handful of Debt Collection Agencies have just re-filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights that the new legislation that requires them to abide fully by the law infringes THEIR human rights!!!! Furious about this one, you picked a subject an half Aaron.
Watch your account now as once charges are applied for unauthorised lending your account is demoted and more scrutinised and ultimately penalised should you go unauthorised again. I used to love that job.
Tell me BM how much money do I need to leave in an account to keep it open? I am leaving and using my other Halifax account. Just want to make sure it eventually costs them more money to keep the account than it makes from the cash left in there. I`m told that just a few quid in and out every few months should do it.
I think it's disgusting. What are the chances of them paying the tax payers a bonus? none instead they inflict dediculous charges for going over drawn, Thankfuly I'm not with them but am looking to put some money into another bank, I know It won't be with them. Isn't it 60% of the bank is now owned by tax payers? Give them all a bonus to say thank you for saveing there jobs and just be grateful that they do have a job as there are so many out there that aren't that lucky.
Depends on the account, but use it occasionally or it will be closed for you. Redundant accounts get closed after a while and a cheque sent to the statement address. Banking systems have an account logic that applies ratings. The more you go unauthorised the more your rating worsens. It's always best to go to the bank and say 'I am in the poo' or you end up getting hammered, quite rightly in some cases.
It`s a normal current account-it`s a shame because they used to be quite nice at one time, course I had a good friend from school and another drinking pal friend working there at the time. I have internetr banking and do put it a fiver one week and take it back out another every now and then
The Us and and a several European countries have frozen city bonuses yet all Gordon brown can sprout is that bonuses are essential in retaining the management staff capable of getting things back on track. Yeah right, these 'instrumental figures' who its so important to retain via rewards are those who presided over the bad financial decisions and lending that got us into this mess.
The irony of that didn't escape me either...or most of the intelligent population of this country. But like everyone with more than 2 brain cells could see that reducing VAT by 2.5% would have zero effect on spending.... They are also worried that these bankers will just go off and work elsewhere and Britain will lose their "talent" and "skills". Hmmmm. First, as other countries have frozen bonus payments where will they go to? Second, with "skills" like those, maybe we need rid of them!
It`s all fingers in the till business anyway. They need lining up and shooting. They have destroyed people`s lives.
To be fair, what about all the processing staff that have nothing to do with making or losing money but simply process and administer accounts, products, people etc. If they met their internal targets then they are entitled to be rewarded for their efforts. Group bonus' set aside for internal achievements should be paid. Clearly profit sharing is not really appropriate. Fat cats whilst distasteful bring a valuable network to companies worth significantly more than the cost of a few bonuses. Bigger picture and all that, business isn't always ethical or indeed fair.
As with most organizations though, the day to day staff will only get a very small bonus, yet those at the top who are ultimately the most accountable will at a time when they've failed in their jobs be rewarded. I was listening the other day on the radio to a guy from a cleaning firm telling how the self same banks that we bailed out and who are now rewarding themselves with our money are trying to renegotiate London cleaning contractors thus reducing the cleaners wages to minimum wage.
I don't know why you are moaning about Gordon Brown He's managed to stop inflation and (just looking at the weather) he has managed to solve Global Warming as well. :hehe: :hehe: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
The "big bonus" culture for the banking and investment industry has developed enormously over the past 10 years. These people have rigged the system so they get huge bonuses whatever happens to their particular bank or firm! Of course bonuses shouldn't be paid to these people and if they want to leave the country, I'm offering to drive them to the airport. I wonder if they'll give me a big tip......?!