Basic Photography course - FREE

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by Steve R, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Basic Photography course - FREE

    Towards the end of January I'll be starting once again a basics of Photography course, this course is totally FREE and willl teach you a few fundamental basics in a Private (out of public gaze) forum area with a group of 5 or 6.

    You will need a camera that is capable of shooting in manual mode (check your cameras handbook if your not sure) a notebook and pen, an hour a week for approx 5-6 weeks..thats it! A tripod might help you but is not neccesary.

    Each lesson will contain some instruction and example photo's then a small assignment will be set for you to go and take some shots. I will then critique/discuss them with yourself and the rest of the group before moving onto the next lesson.

    Once you've completed this course you will be able to go out and use any of your cameras modes and settings, creatively, knowing what your doing and being able to assess every photo oppurtunity so you can make best use of your camera and the photo oppurtunity combined.

    First come first served basis, add a post to this topic you will be required to register if your not already a member to facillitate the private area.


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