Basil leaves turning brown?

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by emyloujovi, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. emyloujovi

    emyloujovi Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 6, 2010
    I have recently started to plant herbs and most of them are doing well apart from my Basil, which is the only one I have grown from seed. It started off really well and when I transplanted it into pots outdoors the leaves started to turn brown.

    I have read that pinching the top leaves help to promote the growth and I now know that I should have split the bunches before repotting and I also water the pot rather than the leaves but I am still unsure as to why the leaves have gone brown. Is it too much sun, not enough sun etc etc, I eat alot of Basil and have more seeds to sow but I am reluctant to do so until I know if I am doing something wrong.

    Please help! :flag:
  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Hi emylou

    Basil tastes great but it's not what you would call a robust herb. In fact, it's quite tender. It's common to have a few brown leaves on a plant, usually caused by scorching from wind, sun on wet leaves or changes of temperature. Also it's short lived and rapidly gets tatty.

    In the past, I grew basil from seed. Now I find it so much easier to buy a pot of basil from Mr Tesco for £1.20 (I think) and repot it immediately into a much bigger pot. I keep it indoors with just enough sun to keep it green but not too much to scorch. With careful picking, that pot will last 8-10 weeks. Then it goes into the compost bin and I buy another one.

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