Bean slicer

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Liz W, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. Liz W

    Liz W Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    I put this here as I got it for the runners and didn't know quite where it fitted in. Anyway, this is a superb bean slicer and has saved me stacks of time. I've never been able to slice beans like my nan did. You can get slices the length of the bean and have bean spaghetti .

    Buy Kirsk Bean Slicer online at - John Lewis
  2. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Good grief! They still make those?

    My Gran had one from Betterware, cost her 6d!, I bought an almost identical Faringdon one from Amazon for £1.50 and I don't think either of us ever used them more than once since the 'slices' they produced were soooo thick.

    With beans everywhere, I've got my eye on one of those rotary bean slicers 'with screw clamp fitting', except I can't really justify 21 quid just to slice some beans! I usually top 'n tail them, then with tray, cutting board, knife and colander, repair to my favourite armchair and 'slice' in front of the TV, making myself believe that I'm not just sitting watching TV, but 'working' at the same time :heehee:

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