Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by ARMANDII, Mar 8, 2014.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Here's an extract from an article in the Amateur Gardening Gardening Magazine.

    " A bonkers plan to threatened to cut the range of plants available to UK amateur gardeners has been given the boot by Brussels.
    The EU "unanimously" rejected the proposal, which would have meant that all 77,000 ornamental cultivars sold in the UK would require detailed scientific plant descriptions at a cost of up to £500 each.
    Plant breeders warned they could not afford the cost of bureaucracy. Growers feared that popular garden plants such as Clematis "Nelly Moser", Lavender "hidcote", Iris "Jane Phillips", and Ilex "Golden King" could vanish from stores.

    Now the EU's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee has rejected the draft European legislation by a vote of 49-0. The draft legislation was also rejected by the EU Agricultural Committee by 37 votes to two.
    However, it is understood that a revised draft of the proposal may still be presented to the full EU Parliament in April. Chief Scientist at the Royal Horticultural Society, Dr John David, told AG "it is not clear how committees are going to respond to the rejection. There is a lot of uncertainty, "We have worked with the Horticultural Trade to oppose this draft legislation. We must now see what the EU does"
    Dr David said the RHS was continuing to urge people to carry on lobbying their MEPs. Charity Plant Heritage [formerly the NCCPG] has also campaigned
    against the Plant Reproduction Material [PRM] regulations. Plant Heritage plant conservation officer Mercy Morris said "It is evident that the future of the PRM regulation is uncertain, so Plant Heritage is keen to keep a watching brief at present."
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