Had a surprise the other day. Have just sent a headless beetle back to a famous coffee company. I spotted it on the teaspoon amongst the granules, as i was making drinks. IT'S HEADLESS. WHO HAD THE HEAD???? We requested that in future we have coffee in our jars and not freeze dried beetle juice. Hubby looked the beetle up on the net and it was the coffee bean beetle. OOOH YUK!Anyone else had any strange things in their edible products purchased?
A friend once found a grub in a penguin chocolate bar, he sent the grub and the remains of the bar back to the manufacturers, who wouldn't even re imburse him for postage they explained that is was not unusual to have this creature in chocolate and it was quite harmless, i think it is disgusting and i would be horrified to find a beetle in my coffee jar how gross you should get lots of free jars of coffee as compensation
If you sent the beetle or that friend had sent the grub to Environmental Health it would have cost them a lot of money. My parents once complained to a cornflake manufacturer when they spotted a sliver of metal just as my sister was about to swallow the spoonful. It was sharp and would have cut her throat.It had obviously sheared off part of the processing machinery. They treated my parents as though they were trying to obtain compensation, which was unfair. Now I would just pass it on to Environmental Health.
:eek: :eek: Oh my God!!!! I feel sick just thinking about it!! And as for bits of metal :eek: :eek: I'm going to scrutinize my tea before I eat it now!!!!
frightening especially the metal bit, I always tip all my coffee into a coffee container so i would see foriegn objects, i hope
I suppose if it was freeze dried it would have dissolved like the coffee?? Gross! :eek: :eek: It wasn't the very famous company who used to shake the beans in their add?????
My son, when he was 3, found a piece of wooden pallet in his meusli one morning, the supermarket was very accomodating.
Imagine the company thinking your parents just want compensation, I once found a chicken bone piece in a "boneless" chicken breast I wrote to the company Iceland and i sent them the bone piece in a bag they were extremely apologetic and very very sorry so much so that they sent me�£50 in vouchers to spend in their shop. Well the bribe worked.
I once found a dead spider in a bottle of wine. I swear it had a smile on its face. :D At Tescos I once took a bottle of wine back cause it tasted orrible - I thought the cork had been loose. We got a replacement bottle and then i discovered that all the wine tasted as bad as that. They do say that there is one thing worse than finding a maggot in your apple.....that is finding half a maggot in your apple.
Ha that is funny about the wine mate, i once found a greenfly in my salad at the local pub as we were eating outside they felt the fly could have made its way into the salad from outside,but i did get a free pint but then again its my mates pub so i would get a free pint anyway