I visited my father-in-law today and he gave me some bergonias in a tray,Ive pricked them out and planted in pot. I have never Delt or with this bedding plant before only because its so god damn expensive in garden centres. Is there a rule of thumb with bergonias or is it water,water,water???? Heres a pic of pot If it grows, i will update
I was given a lovely bergonia as a present in April and it's still alive (by fluke probably) but now I'm slightly unsure what to do with it. It still has flowers forming but also some green flower-like growths and new leaves, what are these and should I remove them? I've tried a few gardening books and googling but I'm not even sure which species it is as there was no label so I'm not getting very far. Any help appreciated. Thanks
Hi Helen and welcome to the forum. Keep the new leaves. The green growths are the flower seed pods forming, best to nip those off to encourage more blooms.