best grass seed

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by neilskeates, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. neilskeates

    neilskeates Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 10, 2006

    could anybody tell me what the best grass seed is to use ? i have three small children and not worried about matching in colour of grass with current lawn, its just looking a little bare in some areas.
  2. Lady Gardener

    Lady Gardener Gardener

    Oct 21, 2005
    there are as many varieties of grass seed as you can imagine, if you want to fill in patches on a hard wearing lawn you mite go for a ryegrass mixture, which you can get in supermarkets as well as garden centres etc, don t be tempted by the Canada Green tho, it is so lush it will show up dramatically,
    to prepare the surface you should rake the soil to allow the seed to take a hold, if you have some compost try mixing it with the seed and keeping it in the house for a few days to give it a head start, then sprinkle on the patches.
    i find that birds immediately zoom in on grass seed, so you need to put some bird scarers up ... have you any of those little windmills on sticks, some old cd s or cotton threads between bamboo sticks
    it is a good idea to fertilise the whole of the lawn at this time of year, it makes it greener and stronger, some of the "lawn repair kits" come with fertiliser, but only a small amount of course.
    PS measure the area you need to cover be4 you go shopping, most small packets only cover 14 sq metres, most 20 sq metres, dont worry about having too much, you can use it up on the rest of the lawn to refresh the grass

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