Best hanging basket plants

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by kyleleonard, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. HarryS

    HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

    Aug 28, 2010
    Hi Justracing
    I can't understand you baskets and containers being past there best in July ! Mine are just about coming into full bloom about now . Generally I plant my baskets up in early May , I then keep them in the green house ( or a sunny room ) until late May when I put them out. I use slow release fertiliser in the compost and feed with Miracle Gro once a week until mid August , then I feed with Wilkos tomato food. This keeps my baskets in full bloom until late October - this depends on the weather, especially the wind. So if your are using the "standard" basket plants mentioned in this thread you could get the best part of 5 months show out of a basket. :dbgrtmb:
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    You should be able to find a wide variety of plants being sold off cheaply in the DIY/GC's. They may not look too good but with a bit of attention can recover very quickly. All the suggested plants are good but just see what's on offer.

    If your baskets had summer plants then I can't understand why they have not flourished. We water ours every day - even when it has been raining - and in the hot weather we water twice or three times a day.

    We grow winter flowering baskets and then replant in late spring. They soon catch up.

    This is a large basket, resting in the top of a pot, that didn't have winter plants and was planted in April and kept in the greenhouse until mid-May.


    These are three small troughs planted in early May and are in 100% shade.


    This is one of our winter baskets that wasn't planted until the 2nd week in June.


    So you can still plant now and they should grow quite quickly. :dbgrtmb:

    Don't forget to talk to them nicely! :D
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    • kyleleonard

      kyleleonard Total Gardener

      May 23, 2011
      Since March when I put mine out, they have been in full bloom, at one point they were HUGE. And I water my front & back garden everyday. But now I want something which will look good in the winter AND have a chance of coming back next year, which is why I've gone for some perennials (Creeping Jenny, for example). My sister's (also had the same plants as mine) have also died off recently, and her boyfriend watered them everyday (they don't have any other plants) so I don't think it's underwatering of them which has seen their demise.

      Also, those baskets going across your wall look amazing! Are they bought like that are have you stuck them to your wall closely? (I presume they're the ones will the flat backs so you can drill them to the wall?)

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