Best sight some allotments have

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by moonraker, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. moonraker

    moonraker Gardener

    Jan 16, 2012
    evening All,
    Well we've snow here today and not a good day for outside work,
    But having said this when the scene is all white it's one of the only times of the year that the unkept allotments come in par as far as eye sight goes with everyone elses plots go.

    I remember well the winter time and that visit down to the allotment on days like we're having here today, "Snow" cold and that ghostly feel as i looked around to see who else was as daft as me to come along on a day like that?

    Tobe honest it was more to check my tool shed and show who ever was around that i was also.

    We didnt have a lot of breakins and the only time i can remember a police car and the ambulance being there was when they found an old chap dead on the loo,

    It was a chemicle loo we had and not many people used it and no ladies ever went near the place, Even the loo paper was enough to put you off it was that stuff you got in school flat like tracing paper and it had "GOVERMENT ISSUE wrote on it (please use both sides):heehee:

    But mr barboo (he came from some hot country) and he was known for sitting on this loo for hours reading the sun newspaper,

    Well the day they found him it was due to some of the members noticing his shed had been left open for at least two days and then one of the ladies grand child needed the loo and he was sent to the tin-thunder-box "as we called it" and couldnt get in,

    After half hour or so the old lady lost her cool and went banging on the tin door and was heard to say,

    "I know your in there mr barboo, now other people want to use the loo, so if you dont mind "hurry up",

    Well after a lot longer then 30mins it was decided to get the allotment elder "as we called jimmy the key holder"
    he pushed and pushed and then said he's in here 'I can smell him' but no good and they knew this was serious and so the door was unscrewed and there for all to see was mr barboo sun news paper in hand and the page 3 model glaring at him, He was dead and they said he'd been dead for 3 days, But he died a happy man and new rules we're made and the thunder box was for a short while the last thing to be looked at before jimmy locked up every night.

    One of the allotment members knew a lot about all sorts of things in life and just after the mr barboo thing, this member said that "Did anyone know that your nails continue to grow for a time after you died????

    The reply from the allotment comic was "I thought mr barboos continued to grow because of the fresh manure he was sitting on!:yahoo:

    Good gardeningand good night to you all.

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