Big bad John

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fonzie, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Fonzie

    Fonzie Gardener

    Jan 27, 2007
    South East
    A man passing through a town decided to stop for the night.
    He went to the local hotel and asked for a room with a view.
    "Sorry Sir, said the owner behind the counter, but that's Big Bad John's favourite room, so I can't let you have that one".
    The man asked for another room, but was told there were no others available.
    "Is Big Bad John using the room at the moment?" Asked the man.
    "No Sir, replied the owner, but he won't be very happy if I let it out to anyone else"
    The man decided to go for a drink and think over what to do next.
    He went over to the local bar and ordered a beer and sat down in a chair.
    The bartender said, "Sorry Sir, but you can't sit there"
    "Why?" Asked the man.
    "That's Big Bad Johns favourite chair"
    By now the man had had enough and asked the barman where Big Bad John was.
    "I think he's at home at the moment Sir" Said the barman.
    The man asked the address and went round to sort out this obvious bully boy.
    He got to the house and noticed the door was open, so with his gander up he walked in and looked for him in every room. When he got to the bedroom he saw a giant asleep on the bed who was six foot seven with muscles like the Hulk.
    "So you'er Big Bad John are you?" Shouted the man and then proceeded to beat hell out of this giant on the bed.
    A neigbour, who heard the commotion ran in and shouted "Stop, what the hell are you doing?"
    The man told him he had had enough of this bully so was teaching him a lesson.
    The neighbour said, "You shouldn't have done that"
    "Why", said the man.
    Big Bad John won't be happy when he finds out you beaten up his baby son.

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