We have an upright Vax, only a few years old (3 or 4-ish) and it looks like it has turned its toes to the sky. Its always been a bit of a pain in the bum in some respects, going through stages of not sucking up the water that it had just sprayed down. Yesterday, I went to use it to clean the carpet in the outhouse, and before it had laid any water it was leaking like a good'un; putting the hand held hose on made matters even worse, and there was a distinctly 'poorly electrical' smell in the air; therefore, I have reached the conclusion that she is dead. Now, being without one of these is simply not optional for us - child and dog in a rented house with cream and light honey coloured carpets throughout mean that carpet cleaning is a fairly regular chore, so we are going to have to replace it, like it or not. However, I am a tad reluctant to go for another Vax to be honest, given this one's relatively early demise, so I was looking at Bissell ones also. Any opinions on either please?
I invested in a Vax hard-floor cleaner and a Vax steam mop (I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure) albeit for tiled floors. Can't vouch for the longevity yet but they're a joy to use! It's true that the cleaner will only leave the floor 100% dry if the blade and clear head are cleaned thoroughly after each use. It's incredible what it picks up even on a freshly-vacuumed floor. I'd have a thorough read of the Amazon reviews for each brand, FC. If a make and model has problems, that's where you'll find out about them!
Thanks @Spruce - good point I was bored this afternoon (hospital appointment was surprisingly quick) so the net result is that I now have a Vax in numerous component parts on the floor. I have resolved one of the faults (tiny wee holes in the water supply bar a bit blocked), and can see what the smell was being caused by - corrosion on the motor spindle, which I will be able to solve by polishing it or sanding it with fine grade wet and dry. The main issue is that there is a seal missing (presumed to have broken and 'pinged off*') - a quick phone call to Vax confirms that there should indeed be a wee rubber seal where I think it should be, BUT they cannot supply one as a spare part - they suggested trying a local hardware shop). I have, however, found an entire water control valve assembly for the princely sum of a fiver, so have decided to gamble a fiver on fixing our current one - even if we get another year out of it, I will be a happy man If that fails, I will revisit this thread and add a poll
We used to hire one, but the hire costs around here started to get a bit stupid to be honest - the last straw was when we went to hire a rug doctor and they wanted a £400 refundable deposit on a credit card. Apparently there had been loads of cases where machines hadn't been returned. If £10 and a bit of work makes this one go again for a year or two, I'll be happy enough. We do use it quite regularly in one way or another.
For the future FC. I've had two Vax cleaners and never again, both only lasted a couple of years. I've now had a Bissell for a few years and the only issue is, I get an air lock in the water feed tube when it's not been used for some while, but that's easily put right.