been a bit on the warm side for a busy Dad and the bath was looking too tempting: aaah - nice to cool the feet down a bit now lets get a lather going sorry about the mess but.... phew - need to take a breather gonna try that Swallow dive trick ouch - think that needs a bit more practice. Just need to catch my breath and then back to work Jenny's mate Blacky
That is soooooo cute :-) thank you for sharing the pics Jenny Im very jealous I wish i could have a birdbath and watch the birds but with 3 cats, two of which are hunters, it wouldnt be fair. If i just had the useless ginger one it would be fine he has yet to catch a leaf let alone anything that doesnt need the wind to move it.
Lovely pics Jenny and Blacky certainly enjoyed his ablutions. @Dips there is no reason why you shouldn't have a bird bath. I don't have cats but there's a lot in my neighbourhood, four of which live next door but one. As long as you have a bird bath raised from the ground, on a pedestal perhaps and place it in an open area where the birds can see what's around them it will be fine.
Unfortunately my cats hunting skills are too good. My old next door neighbour use to feed the birds and the cats and they would bring quite a few dead home. Since my neighbour has died and the birds have stopped being fed I have had less dead birds in the kitchen. Also they would just sit on it and drink out of it themselves. They did this with the old one next door. Missy and faith are a pain in that respect At the moment I'm trying to save butterflies from being killed by faith she never misses when they are mid flight. She just jumps up and eats them. Drives me mad
I had a walk around Hengistbury Head (Christchurch Harbour) in thick sea mist which came and went all morning. The sheer amount of people and dogs meant many birds were hiding but a few were showing themselves. Dunnock. I have never had a Stonechat perch so close. If only this male Redstart was anything like as close!!! very far into the woods with two Blackcaps, one male is sitting above him, purely a 'record' shot of this very elusive bird. One of two Spotted Redshank on the (misty) lagoon plus a few Black Tailed Godwits, the males coming into their russet Summer plumage.
Wonderful shots @strongylodon . Especially those detailed studies of the Stonechat who looks a bit like an anaemic, washed out robin... Jenny
Jenny this should have been posted in the Whats Flying thread but posted it here by mistake I'll try and move it.
Blacky sent the missus over for breakfast this morning. She was waiting on the front doorstep at 7am...their nest is in the ivy on the back of the garage wall - opposite our front door. Neither of them have far to go to get dinner, bed and breakfast Jenny