how do you get rid of it? we have a 1250L plastic pre-formed pond with a waterfall, pump and filter box. damn blanketweed clings to the sides of the pond. the chemical treatment doesnt work that well, and u have to remember to do it every so many weeks. the barley straw in a net bag is a useless idea cos our fish (mainly koi) eat the straw and make a mess pulling it out of the bags! taking it out by hand isnt really viable because our pond is netted (to stop the dumbass koi's jumping onto the lawn, which they have done) and to stop the heron (and cats). it's awkward to take off and put back on. does anyone have any suggestions please? TIA
Blanket weed has no known 100% "cure" Barely straw works for some but not all (as you have found out, its similar with other "cures" in that it works for some but not others) Only thing is a stick to remove it, as and when required, which you say isnt viable. You could always try mounting the net on a frame which is bigger than the pond (I have one, makes life much eaiser) Other thing you should be asking is why do the koi want to jump out?
"Other thing you should be asking is why do the koi want to jump out?" 'Coz they hate blanket-weed? :hehe:
lol i dunno why the koi jump sometimes. theyre just mental! i had thought about a frame before, but it'll be a tricky job cos its an odd shaped pond. i expect hubby will just add it to his list of things to do and never actually get round to it
Pond shape does not matter, the frame is made so that it is for example, oblong, but bigger than the pond on all sides. Koi jumping is not usualy a good sign.
Hi RandyRos. Take a look here It's something called Eco Pure which I found quite effective against blanketweed. Cheers...freddy.
Koi are not my "thing" but I knew there was something wrong if koi jump. The general opinion is water quality I just googled to make sure Oh, and as for the suggested blanket weed cure, its worth a try, but they say barley straw is best and works on all ponds, but you know for a fact it doesn't
"you know for a fact it doesn't" I don't think that's what he said, I think he said the Koi messed up the Barley straw bundles It woudl probably still kill the blanket weed :thumb: but just look a mess!
The eco pure really does work. My brothers pond was full of blanket weed, a treatment or two of eco pure and you can see right to the bottom of the pond with not one bit of blanket weed. The water looks just like tap water now instead of a murky green. Instead of mixing it with water first he just puts it straight into the pond and it works fine, no problems for the fish or other plants either.
I am trying to emphasise the fact that whatever product is suggested to kill blanket weed, donâ??t be surprised if it doesnâ??t. Since the barley straw tried didnâ??t work. Yes the koi did eat some, but it didnâ??t kill the blanket weed either I also did not say the suggested product was â??snake oilâ? I did however say â??Blanket weed has no known 100% "cure" so it may work for some pond owners, not others. Just like barley straw, some say it works some say it doesnâ??t If pond water looks like â??pea soupâ? (murky green) chances are itâ??s a filtration problem. Not blanket weed
ok, several points now. 1) the straw didnt seem to affect the blanketweed 2) I am female 3) the water is clear enough to see to the bottom, the blanketweed sticks to the side of the pond and the plants
i have tried many so called cures such as snails, barley straw, a chemical but can't remember the name. Then i brought another higher watt uv light filter and left the pump on constantly, i also brought a chemical called blanket weed stop, fantastic, now i can see the bottom of the pool!