Border help

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Archdoodler, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Archdoodler

    Archdoodler Gardener

    Apr 21, 2009
    Illustrator and Designer
    Bromley, Kent
    Hey all,

    Just asking for a bit of advice. In the middle of overhauling my garden plant wise, and I've come a bit unstuck with a border that hasn't really been touched for 15 years. I pruned my Mum's Forsythia yesterday and it opened up a lot of light, and I really want to get this border looking nice, but have no idea what to put there. It's in shade until about 330pm every day, north west facing area, looming under huge Conifers. There's a cherry laurel poking out the fence which I'm going to remove...At the moment all that's there is a campanula, a geranium bed and a Cyclamen plant. I'm thinking of putting some Acanthus there but drawing a big old blank as to what else. Clay soil, on the very slightly dry side.

    Any help would be gratefully received!

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