Box hedge dis-coloured?

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by 'not green fingered', Oct 3, 2008.

  1. 'not green fingered'

    'not green fingered' Guest

    :help:I planted box hedging at the end of August, and they now are turning a rusty colour, is this normal or is there something wrong? Hope their not dying!!!:(
  2. riverside

    riverside Gardener

    Sep 21, 2008
    have you got cats that go into your garden? could be toms spraying are they like it all over or just around the bottom edges? (big giveaway to the cause)
  3. 'not green fingered'

    'not green fingered' Guest


    They are like it all over, a couple of them have a few new green bits growing, The hedge is out the front separating two driveways, roughly 20feet long, so wouldn't have thought that cats would be the problem.
  4. riverside

    riverside Gardener

    Sep 21, 2008
    hmmm defo not right, I've got some box hedge in my front garden and that's still very green and was thoroughly neglected for a few years after being planted as a space filler.
    is the soil beneath the hedge healthy? was it growing weeds before the hedge was planted? or was powerful weed killer put down to prevent this? has the hedge only just gone like this or has it been a slow decline since it was planted? and without meaning to sound stupid, did you properly bed the rootballs in when you planted the hedges in the first place?
    apologies for all the questions I'm just trying the process of elimination to try and find the cause
  5. 'not green fingered'

    'not green fingered' Guest

    The soil beneath had never been planted in as we have had the driveway dug up and block paving laid so soil was never planted. I dug in compost from my compost heap, and added a few bags of compost from the garden center. I think they were planted o.k, plenty of soil and well bedded in.
    They have slowly discoloured over the last 4/5 weeks.
  6. riverside

    riverside Gardener

    Sep 21, 2008
    it might be the soil if it's been starved all that time under sand and block paving (I'm a believer that everything in nature needs food and air to thrive and count soil in amongst this theory), but tbh 'feeding it' with the extra nutrients should have helped alleviate that if you were very generous. tbh if you're sure the neighbour definately hasnt been spraying his side of the driveway with anything I'd be inclined to add extra fertilisers and nutrients to the soil to help it on it's road to recovery.
    hopefully one of the pro gardeners on here will be able to assist if theres another way, or possibly another cause (I'm a newbie to this, so still hippy view and guess work from me I'm afraid)
  7. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Firstly, don`t give it any more fertiliser. Secondly, have you kept the hedge moist and thirdly, whereabouts are you situated?

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