Remembered I joined this site last year and recieved great advice for growing veg.. Me and the kids have been bitten by the bug and have decided to try and grow a few more things this year. I dug a small patch last year for us to plant out our pumkins and courgettes with great results. I have already prepared the soil but I keep getting some kind of bramble bush growing.. it doesn't matter how deep I dig to get the roots it just keeps coming back with vengeance :( Any suggestions as to what I can do to get rid of it for good? I have sprouts, courgettes, leeks and corn all nearly ready to plant out. Any advice will be greatly appreciated
Hi Sasha & .. So glad you are all still enjoying your garden.. Sometimes there are times when we have to do what we have to do & to be honest if it was me I would isolate the bramble with a cut off pop bottle or the like depending on the size of the bramble.. Then get a glyphosate weed killer like Round-up & very carefully spray or paint the offending bramble leaves inside the cut off bottle.. Leave the protection around it as you will probably have to spray a couple of times, leaving 3-4 weeks between sprays if you get new growth, but eventually the weed killer will get to the roots & it will be gone for good then.. Brambles are very determined.. :D I do not approve of the use of weed killers unless necessary.. The likes of brambles ground-elder & bind weed do need a chemical help.. Sorry if that is not what you want to hear, but this way you could carry on with your planting & it is gone forever..
Thanks Marley Farley, I'll nip out and get some glyphosate weed killer now, haven't wanted to use any as was unsure if it would still be ok to plant the veg in that area, but I'll do as u've suggested with the bottle. Thanks again
Well I use Round-up specifically in pop bottles like that in my veg patch.. You just need to be careful it touches no veg that is all... :WINK1:
Cheers Sascha for this thread, My predicament is slightly more tricky with Bramble situ. I was going to use weed killer on it but it is all intermingled with a hedge just outside my front garden which is parallel to my fence and don't wish to kill off the hedge will take a pic and add it to this later to show what I mean. Am stuck as to know what to do, have a tree growing in it too and don't want that either. It is on council ground but with their cut backs well you know
Hi GCQ, the easiest way to tackle that is to get some very thick gloves on, find the roots & try & follow the bramble till you get to some leaves, clear yourself a bit of space around the leaves & shielding your hedge paint the leaves with the weeds killer,.. Whichever way it is time consuming when twined in the hedge.. :WINK1: Another way is to start at then growing ends & try & clip & pull them out of the hedge & weed killer the leaves that way.. Or I have had some limited success by scraping the out sides of the brambles back to live wood near the root end then paint the wounds with the weed killer.. Good luck.!