I know glyphosate will tackle just about anything, but will it have the desired effect on brambles please.
I think glyphosate is the only thing that has any effect on brambles isn't it? I think you're meant to cut it back a bit first though, so that there's plenty of fresh growth exposed for the Roundup to work on.
I've been cutting them back for the last eight years Clueless! They keep coming through my fence that stands on a bank. On the other side is a sort of no-mans-land that nobody looks after, so they've got to go! I noticed they sell a Bramble killer in B & Q but I suspect it's glyphosate based anyway and costs more.
I use SBK Brushwood killer which does work, however in the absence of a nucelar attack (and I'm not sure even that would do it) I think the only sure fire way to totally rid yourself of brambles is .. to move!
Move! I don't think so Fidgetsmum, I'm presently living in house number eight and don't want to move again just yet.