Brown leaves on clematis, dogwood, violas?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by sarah99, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. sarah99

    sarah99 Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 26, 2011
    Hi everyone!

    I hope there is something really simple I am missing...

    I am getting brown mottled leaves on a clematis growing in a container up a trellis. It has just started flowering and seems Ok otherwise.

    Some violas in a container in another area have all now pretty much finished flowering but the foliage is a similar brown mottled rusty colour.

    Then this afternoon I noticed a similar appearance on a cornus alba growing in the garden.

    No pics yet but I will get some.

    Any ideas what is going on? Any help much appreciated!
  2. Louise D

    Louise D Total Gardener

    Mar 24, 2011
    Somerset Coast
    In most cases brown drying clematis leaves mean the plant hasn't received enough moisture at its roots.
    When watering these use the hosepipe and not the watering can because of the amount of water needed - leave it on a slow trickle for 10 minutes a week.

    Growing these vines/plants in a container mean a large container because the roots of the plant are about 12" deep, so, the container needs to be about 2' diameter and the same depth.

    Cornus also suffer those brwon leaves - again when the plant's got too dry.

    I have dozens of clematis here (aswell as 2 Cornus) and i see the brown leaves from time to time, you just need to be soaking those clematis very frequently because they are very thirsty plants and take-up a lot of water.
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    • sarah99

      sarah99 Apprentice Gardener

      Jun 26, 2011
      Ahh - the penny drops. I wonder if that could be the problem. I'll get on with the watering and see if it makes a difference - thanks :)

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