Buddleia cuttings that have rooted

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by TheMadHedger, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. TheMadHedger

    TheMadHedger Gardener

    Feb 4, 2008
    I have a few Buddleia cuttings which have now rooted, I originally took the cuttings about 6 weeks ago. They are in individual pots but I'm wondering what I should do with them next.

    For the past two weeks I've been putting them outside in the shade during the day then bringing them inside at night (we've been getting some chilly nights and my garden is prone to masses of slugs and snails).

    Should I leave them in pots then plant in the garden next spring?

    If leaving them in pots, should they be left indoors or outdoors during the winter?
  2. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Hi MadHedger,

    I've got some I've grown from seed which I've just planted out in a row into my little " baby plant nursery" which I was going to put into their final positions next spring. However, as yours are cuttings they should be more established and robust than mine and could be put into their final positions probably about another month or so's time.

    I don't think it would harm them being left in pots ( I would say large ones, probably 4/6 " ) over the winter either ( just think, anything nurserys grow for sale in spring is in pots during the winter ), but, they do really need to be outdoors as they are perfectly hardy and the cold would be the trigger for them to flower next year.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • TheMadHedger

      TheMadHedger Gardener

      Feb 4, 2008
      Thanks for the advice. :)

      Good luck with yours too.
      • Friendly Friendly x 1

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