Buddleia cuttings

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by TheMadHedger, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. TheMadHedger

    TheMadHedger Gardener

    Feb 4, 2008
    I had planned to take some Buddleia cuttings from one of my bushes but any new shoots are too small and all good shoots have flowers on them.

    As an alternative, is it a good idea to perhaps take a shoot with a dying off flower head, cut off the flower head and then plant as per normal for a cutting?
  2. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Spring I really the best time to strike Buddleia cuttings, but, if you want to try now it's best to use a shoot that has small flower buds NOT dying flowers ( that branch would already have used up all its energy in producing flowers and even seeds ).
    You need a shoot with about 3 Pairs of leaves. Cut just below the bottom pair and carefully remove them. Then remove the top so you're left with a small cutting with two pairs of leaves and insert the stem up to the bottom pair.
  3. TheMadHedger

    TheMadHedger Gardener

    Feb 4, 2008
    Cheers, will try that. :)

    Out of interest, regarding removing the lower leaves (on any plant cutting) - I often see it recommended that these are pulled off, yet I find that sometimes damages the plant if they don't come off cleanly (because they tear off some material). Because of this I usually just cut them off close to the stem.

    Is cutting the lower leaves off not recommended for any reason in particular?
  4. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    I usually gently pull them downwards, pulling in the same direction as the stem.
    The reason is, you don't want to damage the dormant bud in the leaf axil.
    If you cut them off disease may infect the cutting through the cut leaf stem ( pedicel).

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