Camera Raw Tips

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by Steve R, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Camera Raw Tips

    I prefer Camera RAW for most of my photo editing, here are a few tips I've picked up over the years that are not common knowledge.

    Open a jpeg in Camera raw.

    From photoshop, click "File/Open As"


    and then browse to the jpeg you want to open, and select it, in the drop down menu unerneath it select "Camera Raw", then click on "Open", yiour Jpeg will now open in Photoshops, Camera Raw ready for editing.


    Re-edit a RAW file in Camera Raw.

    1st Method

    Once you have opened a RAW file in Camera Raw and done your initial edits, then opened in Photoshop...thats it, your done with Camera Raw, but there is a way back. When you open your RAW file and your editing it in Camera Raw, look underneath your photo at the line of blue text


    click it and the following dialog open up, "Workflow Optins".


    Put a tick next to "Open in Photoshop as Smart Objects" and click "OK" and every time you open a RAW file into photoshop, you can click on its little picture in Photoshops layer pallete and it will open up again in Camera Raw for editing. So you could for example Open a RAW file into Photoshop then duplicate that layer, both will now be smart objects and both will be editable in Camera Raw, allowing you to edit one for highlights the other for shadows. The above change will be permanant until to untick the option in "Workflow Options"

    2nd Method

    Or you can hold down the "Shift" key whilst in Camera Raw, and Camera Raw's "Open Image" button will change to an "Open Object" button to temporarily allow you to open your RAW file into Photoshop as a smart object allowing you the same editing possibilities as above.But without making the permanant change in workflow options

    Edit Layers in Camera Raw

    Lets say you have not done the above and opened a RAW file as normal through Camera Raw into Photoshop, yoo might after some editing have a couple of layers and wish you could edit one of them in Camera Raw, well you can thanks to the Doctor. but only if you have Photoshop CS6. Doctor Russel Brown has made and released a panel for PS CS6 that will open up a particular layer back into Camera Raw for editing.

    Watch a video of it in action here

    Download the panel here (adobe photoshop CS6 only)

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