Can anyone ID these plants, flowers, weeds?

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by Weedstoo, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. Weedstoo

    Weedstoo Gardener

    Sep 20, 2021
    Hi. Here are a few photos that I am hoping people will be able to ID.

    The first one (sorry the photo is a bit dark as it is in the shade) of the green shoot and buds I think are bluebells which have died off) but not sure.

    The 2nd one. Does anyone know the name of the coloured bush - I think it may be Japanese. Additionally what is that green shoot in the middle of it? If it is one of those ones that creeps all over the other plants and strangles them then I had better take it out, right?

    The 3rd one is some kind of ferny thing that I snapped off and brought indoors - they have grown bigger outside. That seems to have spread to all the gaps in paving and the side of the house and grows prolifically (I would leave most of it if it was an evergreen as it looks better than the usual weeds). But I think it normally dies off my by autumn winter. It is quite difficult to pull out too - well rooted.

    The 4th pic of the bluey purple-y flowers on the green leafy plant I think is Morning Glory? But not sure.

    The 5th and 6th pictures are a bush that has lovely pink flowers. Unfortunately they are starting to die off already.

    The 7th is the yellow flower. Not sure if this is a weed or one from a wildflower mix. There is only one though.

    The last is that green thing. There are a number of these in the garden. They could well be weeds. They are all a number of inches tall already. Again, they are in the area where I did scatter plant some wildflower mix last October.

    It would be good to put some names to the faces, haha. Also to know if I am best to pull out the green things. Especially as they will be near where I want to plant the foxgloves (see my other recent thread).


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  2. Logan

    Logan Total Gardener

    May 27, 2017
    redditch Worcester
    1. is probably a bluebell
    2. is a Japanese maple with something growing in it.
    3. I don't know
    4. is a blue hardy geranium
    5. I'm not sure could be a rhododendron a rhododendron
    7. Could be a poppy
    8. Is a weed, could be willow herb.
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    • Nikolaos

      Nikolaos Total Gardener

      Jun 26, 2019
      Midlands, UK
      Acer 'Garnet' (Japanese Maple)

      Equisetum arvense (Mare's Tail)

      Geranium (Crane's Bill)

      Meconopsis cambrica (Welsh Poppy)

      Possibly Chamereion angustifolium (Rosebay Willowherb)

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