Can I put in onions now

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by WillieBee, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. WillieBee

    WillieBee Gardener

    May 16, 2013
    Whitley Bay
    I have just got an allotment, so I'm still busy clearing it and digging it over.

    After that, I'll take measurements and make some sort of layout plan. I may as well start off with a well thought out plan of action. I'll probably put in raised beds too, before the spring arrives.

    A friend said today that I could be planting onions now .. i assume using sets but I'm not 100% sure.

    As I haven't yet arranged my perfect layout or even finished off the digging, I was wondering whether I could start the sets off in wee pots. Then in a few weeks I can transplant them. Would this work ?

    What is a good variety to plant now ?

    They'll hopefully be my first allotment crop, so I obviously need something that'll impress 'The Mrs'

    thank you
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    I've never got on with autumn planted onion sets, slugs and weather seem to do them in.

    Good time to be thinking about Garlic planting though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Allan Hodgson

      Allan Hodgson Gardener

      Jun 1, 2013
      Processing assistant.
      Workington, Cumbria
      I've never done onions before but I planted some sets last week. They have already started growing because of this spell of warm weather we are having, I'm thinking that this isn't a good thing. I'm growing electric btw its a red onion variety but I have no idea how they will turn out. I plan on growing some from seed too so I can compare, kind of an experiment to see which I prefer. As far as I can tell from what peoples crops turn out like, it is much better to grow from seed.

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