Can they do anything

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by rosa, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    I have been with tiscali broadband 6 months, have had nothing but problems with their service, keep logging me off broadband, even got a e-mail saying they are experiencing tchnical errors.
    I asked them for my migration code to switch broadband services to another provider,

    In letter e-mail this morning from tiscali, recieved my mac no, from them and at the bottom this is what they had to say.

    Please remember, your invoices are in arrears and you are liable to pay the remainder of your services with tiscali. Once your final balance has been collected we will automatically stop collecting payment via direct debit/card.
    Please do not cancel your patment method with your bank.
    With such bad service from them what could they do and my hubby is going to cancel payments through his bank.
    when i joined tiscali i had no written contract it was purely verbal.
    what can they do does anyone know this situation that i find myself in
  2. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    I think it is a good idea to cancel payments. Then they cannot get any more money from you, and will be forced to take legal action against you, which they will think very seriously about. If you write to them summarising your dissatisfaction with their service and tell them you will not be paying for a service you have not received, then I very much doubt whether you will here more from them.
    Keep any emails you have had from them.
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    I cant cancel payment until hubby gets back wednsday, he is going to do it, and i have just e-mailed them telling them i didnt have any written agreement with them and also was very dissasified with their services.
    Got all e-mails never believe this liz i cannot get my printer to copy tiscalis e-mails but at least i have it on my system, even one were they have said that they are experiencing technical errors slow e-mails on their system, just waiting to see what their reply is, to my e-mail
  4. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    I had a problem similar to yours Rosa when I first went on line and sign up with Tesco Supanet dial-up. I sent them details of all the problems - which was mainly that I never ever got on line with them and they insisted I had been using internet!!
    I kept asking for their details, dates and times that I had been on the internet.
    After I sent six or seven emails demanding this information and very vague replies from them, they finally agreed that the would 'write my debt off' ! Cheek!
    Takes a bit of perseverance on your part but best of luck.
  5. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    About the above message:

    I had signed up with onetel while this was going on - that was how I could send emails :rolleyes:
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    I am going back with bt and at least i have the migration code off them now which is the main thing i need.
  7. DAG

    DAG Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Best thing to do is go down to the bank and get them to cancel direct debits there and then, in front of your eyes, and you will then get an immediate response from Tiscali, and you are then in charge of the situation, they have to wait for any payment from you instead of just grabbing what they like.

    I have found that with anybody, if you write and tell them to stop direct debits, they don't bother!
    You can't get a response but as soon as you cancel a payment at the bank (which is done while you wait) you will get an immediate response from them telling you exactly where you stand, what you owe or are obliged to pay, and will have to wait for your payment by post! ha ha! ;)

    Hope you don't have too much trouble with that, as I am currently with Tiscali!!! ;)
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    its not my account dag its the hubbys and he cant do anything at the moment until he gets back next wednsday, he will go in and cancel it, since i e-mailed them of this and about their bad sevice and aggravation and upset it had caused me havnt hear from them, just pleased they e-mailed me the mac number as that was crucial to have that for bt, i,ve told bt i,ve got the mac code and they said they can change straight away
  9. Jack by the hedge

    Jack by the hedge Gardener

    Jun 20, 2006
    I had a lot of trouble with Tiscali concerning another matter over a year ago which they failed to address until I contacted the ombudsman "Otelo" who ordered Tiscali to credit my account with �£60 as a goodwill gesture.
    Prior to switching to Tiscali I had left AOL in high dudgeon because of their failure to pay a sum of money they owed me. I begin to distrust all ISPs!
    Keep copies of all correspondence where possible and if you experience any more problems, consider reporting the matter to "Otelo".
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thanks jack,Tiscali in my experience these past 6 months just have ignored my e-mails all this time.
    will certainly keep otelo in mind, have all correspondence by e-mail, but cant for some reason print tiscalis e-mails out and there is nothing wrong with my printer.
  11. Royster

    Royster Gardener

    Aug 18, 2006
    Rosa, what seems to be the problem with printing out the emails? What email client do you use eg. yahoo mail, hotmail, microsoft outlook express etc?

    Fact is, even if you cannot print the actual email from the browser webpage you should still be able to copy the thing and paste it into a blank document such as Microsoft Word or notepad or whatever. Am I making any sense?

    I'll post another message shortly to explain how to copy the thing incase you don't know...

    Kind regards
  12. Royster

    Royster Gardener

    Aug 18, 2006
    Ok, to copy the email from the internet or from the likes of Outlook Express, what you need to do is select the Edit option with your mouse at the top of your screen on the left hand side. After this, select the "Select All" option and click on this.
    Hopefully your whole email will be highlighted in blue or some other colour.

    After this, press the Ctrl (control) key on your keypad and hold this down while you also press the C key. This then means that you have copied the email.

    You then need to open Microsoft Word or a similar word editing programme so that you can paste the email into it.

    With you cursor at the top of the page of the word editing programme you then press Ctrl and the V key at the same time. This will paste the email into the word editing programme.

    You can then save the thing to your desktop or where ever you would prefer.

    Hope this is of some help cos it sounds like you need help after Tiscalis' disgraceful behaviour!!

    There is some very good info on the web with regards to the best value for money and best performing ISPs. I've used this sort of info many a time and its good stuff. Let me know if you wish some web addresses to check out or need a bit more help to copy those emails.

    Kind regards and good luck!

  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    cheers royster,I was on microsoft outlook but it is such a boring page to work on, i liked tiscalis home page but they seem to have me on a time switch now they are denying this, so everytime i go from here back to the home page i am logged off.
    I am going back with bt, I know its going to be a bit more expensive but i will get what i want from broadband.
    having bother with my printer now just waiting for sunrise to call she is going to talk me through what to do, had to send all tiscalis e-mails etc to her to keep for me, in case tiscali log me off and i would have no proof of what had been going on.
  14. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Dag - I agree with you about getting the bank to do it infront of you. But if Tiscali are not so efficient, they might not pick it up immediately. I am with NTL (being in an area wired by them) and am vey happy with their service. But they made some changes - not me, and failed to charge my credit card for 9 months without noticing. I was happy to pay up when approached, but was not inclined to solve their problems for them. They did it to thousands of people.

    Rosa - I would send a letter to Tiscali, telling them you have cancelled the direct debit and exactly why. And keep a copy for yourself - incase there is a query later.
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi peters, will do that also a letter to them as well as all the e-mails, sunrise is busy with reels of pages these past 6 months, she cannot believe all these e-mails from them to me vice versa. she is coppying and filing them for me, for future reference, i explained to bt that i had nothing but problems with tiscali these past 6 months, she said as long as i have the mac number from them there is no problem coming back to them as i also have my phone with them have done for years.

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