Can you recommended a shrub for a container..

Discussion in 'Container Gardening' started by Brind, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. Brind

    Brind Gardener

    Aug 9, 2008
    I would like a dense shrub that is inclined to drop down and cover its container to some degree. Is there a shrub that is likely to do this?

    The reason I ask, is because I have a box covering the filter to my pond. It kinda sticks out like a sore thumb so a plant sitting on top would hopefully make it less conspicuous.

    Evergreen would be great! Especially as it's beside a pond.
    Dense would be good.
    I don't care if it flowers.

    Must be okay in a container.
    Must also somehow take attention away from what it's sitting on.

    I don't want Escallonia or Laurel as I already have them.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Brind.


    I may have answered my own questiion. I quite like the look of Euonymus fortunei.

    What's your thoughts on these shrubs?
    I'm also open to further suggestions..
  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    All Euonymus are slow growing. Just a thought to bear in mind.

    If you need something for a pond area, would one of the 'damp loving' perennials do as well - Ligularia, Astilbe for example?
  3. Brind

    Brind Gardener

    Aug 9, 2008
    yeah I read they are pretty slow growing. I'd have to buy a more mature plant if I chose to use one.

    There's no chance of the shrub getting wet being beside the pond, the waterfall is facing away from the area the shrub will be placed.

    Another note, it'll be in full sun too.

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