Canterbury bells questions

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Auntpol, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Auntpol

    Auntpol Gardener

    Sep 3, 2012
    Midlands, PH 7
    Hi Folks,

    It's been a long beautiful summer and I have had such a wonderful time enjoying the garden with the kids and grandkids with today being the first even slightly chilly day for a long long time.

    Last year I sowed these cantbury bells and I have had such an amazing display this year with them hanging low and almost to the ground on two foot stems over a wall. Unfortunately, when I got a new phone I lost all my photos on the update or I would post some.

    But two of the plants did not produce stems just huge and I mean huge serving platter sized rosettes. The rosettes seem to consist of a dozen or more smaller rosettes and I wonder if any one knows whether I should leave them as they are or whether it is possible to divide them into single rosettes in the hope of them flowering next year.

    Also, does anyone know where the seeds are for next year on these plants? Is it in the flower heads themselves or the little pod thing behind the flowers?

    I would really appreciate any help as I would love to have these flowers again next year.
  2. Auntpol

    Auntpol Gardener

    Sep 3, 2012
    Midlands, PH 7
    I forgot to add in the post that the current stems although nearly finished with this years blooms have dozens of what look like baby pods on them as if they are about to flower again - does anyone know if they will re-flower this year or perhaps next year?

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