Care of raspberry canes ?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by hedgehog500, May 24, 2010.

  1. hedgehog500

    hedgehog500 Apprentice Gardener

    May 17, 2010
    I planted 3 raspberry canes about 3 yrs ago. I've done nothing to them since, apart from a bit of staking, tidying and spraying. They've grown into a large bush that produces big sweet berries from August right through December.

    They seem to be doing pretty well, would it really do them any good to cut down the old canes (which seem to keep on fruit bearing ok so far), and if so when would be the best month to do this, and are there any bits you shouldn't be cutting ?

    At the moment the bush is covered in buds, and looking very healthy. It's also trying to send out new shoots into my lawn !
  2. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    I dont know the answers to your questions hedgehog500, but I am interested to see what others say as I read in a plant catologue today that you can put 3 canes of the late fruiting variety in a pot on your patio and I have never thought of doing that. It would stop the 'spread' problem I guess.
  3. Silmar

    Silmar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2008
    It sounds like you have autumn fruiting canes. I cut my old stems right down in March as they fruit on new growth.Mine are now 2foot tall and growing like mad and i get loads of fruit from the new growth from August onwards.

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