Cats Protection League

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by lollipop, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hello All,

    I am looking for a friend for my girl -a 12yr old cat. She has only just started to show any physical signs of aging so I am determined to give her a second wind rather than let her go to seed-which is what she wants to do. I am thinking of a kitten, and as I am against breeding cats whilst there is a single one without a home I refuse to pay for one. It just encourages them.

    I have been on the CPL site and they say they have a thorough homing policy which I imagine a home visit and donation to their charity-all of which I am happy with, but has anyone else had one from the CPL and can give me a bit more info about how they adopt a cat out.

    I know I really should take on an adult but my cat has had us to herself all her life and I am a bit protective and don`t want a big un pushing her nose out of joint-besides she would really enjoy having a kid sister to show the ropes to.
  2. Katherna

    Katherna Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    Good Luck with your hunt for a kitten :) I've not had a cat from the CPL but know of people who've had home visits to rehome animals. They've had a worker come round ask questions - to see if you know about cats etc; what your family situation is - kids, main roads nearby things like that. I think they try to match a cat / kitten to suit you and your lifestyle - so maybe not the exact kitty that you'd fallen in love with at the rehoming centre. If the cat isn't neutered they give you a voucher redemable at the local vets, can't think of anything else atm.
    Before I got my cats I rang all the local rehoming charities including the cpl and none of them would rehome a cat to the street I lived on as it was next to a main road! I ended up looking in the RSPCA shop window as the local shelter was full and couldn't take anymore animals in, but they were hoping people would rehome the cats they didn't have room for. I got help with neutering the cats via the voucher scheme and when I rehomed Squiggles they paid for x-rays, neutering etc;
    Give them a call, I know my local cpl branch is totally full with kittens and they can't take anymore in so I'm sure the chances of you getting a kitten will be pretty good as I'm sure it's the same all over the country.

    EDIT: just found this on their site, hope it helps -

    Before you can home any of our cats or kittens we carry out a pre-adoption chat. This is so we can send you to the right fosterer to choose the right cat or kitten for your circumstances.

    All environments are taken into consideration for instance cats homed in main road locations would be kept as house cats therefore a cat who was used to roaming would not be placed in this situation. For families with children we carefully choose, the best way is to let the children view the cats we feel would be suitable because not all our cats would be.

    All cats in our care have been health checked, neutered (if over six months old - if they are kittens we neuter and microchip them at six months for a donation), wormed, de-flead and we pay for both vaccinations of cat flu enteritis. They are also insured with Pet Plan for the first six weeks and we are also responsible for the first six weeks of them settling in their new home.
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Thanks Katherna, I am ringing them later this morning
  4. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    We got Polly cat from them, they came out to visit us first to check on our environment, experience, location etc, then they let us know of a cat that they thought would be suitable. We visited the cat at the foster home and adopted her a couple of weeks later when her stitches came out. The CPL lady turned up on our doorstep a couple of months after that (without warning) just to check everything was OK and everything went well. We've had Polly 8 years now and we wouldn't be without her. I would certainly recommend them above the RSPCA.
  5. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    As above, CPL are very helpfull and its a straightforward prochedure.

    Personally Id never ever have anything to do with the RSPCA in principle as I have isues with them however im happy to donate and suport CPL.

    One thought, your existing cat may struggle to adapt to even a youngish adopted cat, My muffin never really acepted tuffty tbh.
  6. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Got my Oscar from CP kennels in 200. They said I would be having a home visit but I never did. However, that might be because they realised I was a good and experienced cat-o-phile! But I've always supported CP, they have been going about 40 odd years and do stirling work all over the country. They do a lot with feral colonies as well, neutering and immunising them.

    Oscar doing his civic duty as a PAT cat

  7. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Our Millie came from the CPL as she was a stray, still a member and still sponsor another elderly cat. We found them easy to deal with and always looking for good homes.:)
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hello and thanks all,

    I have someone coming on Thursday to do a home visit and if all goes well I will be welcoming a little ball of fluffy trouble very soon.

    The kids are beside themselves and have already chosen a name-Poppy although Daisy had a look in.

    And just because I love her this is my Toni, having a sunbathe-


    I`ve found that she doesn't actually have an owner as such-she has staff
  9. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello lollipop and beautiful Toni.

    I won't speak about the CPL as I haven't dealt with them .... although they will benefit greatly when I am no longer here. It's about the other matter of which you spoke ... introducing a kitten to an older cat.

    Your Toni looks like my dear Puschka. We got she and her brother Skwij also pure white) aged five weeks from a farm. When they were four we took on a black kitten, Magic Sam. When he was seven months old he got hit by a car and the top of his leg was removed to make a new hip joint making that leg one inch shorter. The damp English weather made him limp a lot. We moved here to Portugal in 2001. Puschka and Magic Sam never got along but Skwij tolerated him. Skwij died when he was 13, then Puschka at 15. Magic Sam became very withdrawn and 'old' for his 11 years. Then two years ago we found two one-day old kittens in a plastic bag at the rubbish bins ... the girl, Candi, died aged 11 months but we still have Cal now aged two. At first things were not ideal but having these kittens around Magic Sam put new life into him. Now, coming up to 13, he races around with Cal up and down trees, across the rooftop and just round and round, and we think it has added years to his life. However, Cal knows who is Top Cat at all times!

    So, it worked for us and I sincerely hope that Toni enjoys Poppy and that fresh life will come into her and give her the second wind you want her to have. It may take a little time .... but any little tiffs will be worth it in the long run.

    Good luck and keep us posted. :thumb:
  10. Anthony

    Anthony Gardener

    Oct 8, 2005
    Very true. :D

    Toni is gorgeous Lollipop.

  11. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hello and thankyou very much both for sharing my total adoration of my little girl.

    Well I am worn out I have been cleaning top to toe to get the house looking as kitten friendly as possible. I know the best advert is a happy puss-cat but I have now got the babys room ready. She is getting the office to go to where she can be safe and alone and quiet should she be overwhelmed when she arrives.

    Thanks for the kind words all.

    Fingers crossed for tomorrow
  12. Katherna

    Katherna Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    Good luck :)

    I'm sure everything wil go really well with the visit and you get your little fluffball.
  13. anakat

    anakat Gardener

    Sep 14, 2007
    Good luck :) new kittens are such fun. The only thing i would suggest is to consider getting two kittens. we found the energy levels of a kitten were too much for our older cat so got an other kitten for him to play with and she enjoys watching them and joins in when she feels like it.

    PS Toni is beautiful.
  14. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hi AnaKat and Katherna,

    I was secretly (from my husband) considering two, and the CPL lady will be here in an hour-Oh my, its like having the health visitor coming when you have just had a baby.
  15. Gogs

    Gogs Gardener

    Jul 11, 2006
    [​IMG] Best of luck with the re-homing,CPL are the Biz :thumb:.
    Proud supporter & helper here .:)

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