Cherry Laurels...

Discussion in 'Trees' started by Spider!, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Spider!

    Spider! Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 18, 2014
    I have very recently moved 5 Cherry Laurel shrubs replanting them where they should have been planted in the first place - although I recognise I should have moved them earlier in the year before the growing season they do seem to be holding up well fortunately and seem healthy.

    They are however dropping some leaves that have turned yellow. I have put this down to transplanting shock, but wondering if I could be from overwatering them perhaps (in saying this I have read they like water and are a very hardy plant).

    Wonder what thoughts you have as to how I can reduce yellowing of leaves and any tips for maintaining them as healthy plants.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I would give them a foliar feed as a "tonic" - e.g. Maxicrop.

    I doubt you are managing to overwater them at this time of the year. A good generous watering 3 times a week (reducing to twice a week form, say, 1st July) should be sufficient - but increase the frequency if we get a hot, dry, spell.

    You need to make the plants self sufficient, so starting to wean them off the water you are providing is important. But it depends how much root you were able to move with them? If there was some root loss then the plants will need more water, but be struggling.

    It is common to remove to leaf, to match the reduced function of the disrupted roots. Perhaps as much as 1/3rd of the new/recent growth

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