Chinese Leaves ? ? ?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Anthony Rogers, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Hi everyone,
    I don't know if anyone knows what I mean by " Chinese Leaves ". The ones we've bought are like a hard lettuce which is eaten raw and has a lovely peppery heart/stems.

    I was wandering if anyone knew the name of them and if you can grow them from seed ?

    Thanks All :)
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

  3. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Hi Zigs,

    You're a star even though you got it wrong :)

    The reason is I've found it by looking at Pak Choi. ( Pak Choi is used in cooking like cabbage, this is eaten raw like lettuce ).

    I think it's Sui Choi also known as Napa Cabbage. It's proper name is Brassica Rapa subsp Pekinensis.

    Now all I've gotta do is find the seeds. Apparently it's popular in Northern Europe as it likes the milder/cooler climate and the shorter day length that we have.

    Thanks again Zigs :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Anthony Rogers

      Anthony Rogers Guest

      Managed to find a pic ( courtesy of Bing )....

      Napa Cabbage - Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits, Recipes, Substitute.jpg
    • HsuH

      HsuH Super Gardener

      Mar 9, 2013
      South Gloucestershire
      Chinese leaves or Chinese cabbage.

      When I was little living in Beijing, Chinese cabbage was one of the handful of vegetables for winter. Every year from late October onward the 'caggage mountain' appeared outside greengrocers' shops. People queued up to buy hundreds of them to last until next spring.

      (Google images)

      I bought seeds a few years back. They germinated and grew very happily. Unfortunately not just you and me love them there are awful a lot of pests love them as well. Because the cabbage forms a tight heart the caterpillars and slugs / snails tunnelled right inside. Even though I grew them under fine mesh cover and applied slug pellets periodically the end result was still very disgusting. Now I don't bother to grow them any more :sad:.

      But if you want to try, sow seeds after mid-summer day. Some people tie the cabbage leaves loosely together to help them heart up. On the whole they are easy to grow if you are able to control the pests.:paladin:
      • Informative Informative x 3
      • Anthony Rogers

        Anthony Rogers Guest

        Hi HsuH,

        According to what I was reading on tinternettywebby thingy, it's called" Chinese Leaves ".

        Thanks for all the info :)
      • Scrungee

        Scrungee Well known for it

        Dec 5, 2010
        Central England on heavy clay soil
        AKA Brassica Rapa Pekinensis.
        F1 Seeds reduced to 99p at T&M

        You can get 6 packets free, only having to pay £1.95 P&P using £5 code£1-95-p-p-33p-pkt.104536/

        @Anthony Rogers Do you want to borrow a £5 Code?
        Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
      • Anthony Rogers

        Anthony Rogers Guest

        Thanks Scrungee,
        I would if I could use it but I don't have a computer. Can't do Internet ordering off my phone.

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