Choose a tree for a sunny London garden

Discussion in 'Trees' started by JustinWimbledon, May 6, 2014.

  1. JustinWimbledon

    JustinWimbledon Apprentice Gardener

    May 6, 2014
    Hi All,
    I recently removed 5 leilandei that were planted by a previous owner and were shading everything. I have a North-facing garden, but surrounding houses are shallow so it's full sun all day. The soil is light and not claybound - surrounding houses have flourishing apples, plums and birch trees. I have an 8ftx8ft patch next to my shed and I want a tree which will reach about 30ft and not be too opaque. I know a birch is an obvious choice, but any other ideas on lovely, British, deciduous species? The lawn runs close to it and I don't want a root structure that will sap the topsoil.

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