Christmas dinner

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Its that time of year again. Among our extended family, we usually rotate who hosts the dinner (its a major event for us, not for religious reasons or anything, just because its the one day of the year we all get together).

    This year it seems to be mine turn again.

    So far, on the definites list is obviously the 4 of us, plus the two mothers (mine and wife's), and my mam's new boyfriend (who I don't particularly like but it would be unfair to leave him out).

    The 'maybe' list includes a mate of mine who never seems to have any luck with anything, and my dad, step mam, and step <relative that I can't quite work out - daughter of step sister>.

    If everyone turns up, I have no idea how I'm going to make it work logistically. My house isn't that big, and the dining table only fits about 6 at a push, but where there's a will there's a way.

    I've made a new rule due to the anticipated numbers. Everyone has to contribute, whether its a bag of sprouts, some spuds, some meat, wine or anything, just as long as I don't have to pay for everything:)

    It will be fun, and I'm looking forward to it.

    Then, as if I haven't got enough to do, a thought just occurred to me. Sort of a sad thought really. My wife still has 2 out 4 grandparents remaining. They usually go to one of wife's aunties houses, but I don't want to just assume that. They are, for the most part, housebound now. My house is not ideal for them (there is no downstairs loo and the stairs are steep), so I doubt they'd want to come here, but if for some reason they are not going to wife's aunty's, I don't want them to miss out. So I had an idea. We have our main christmas dinner fairly late, around 3PM. They don't eat much these days. They are just across town. I wonder, would it be practical to make a light version of christmas dinner here, plate it up (minus the gravy), then get across town before it goes cold so we can enjoy a meal at their house? On fairly clear roads and without speeding, it's 8 minute's drive. A sad thought occurred to me. The wife's remaining grandparents are really showing signs of nearing the end of their game. It is quite possible that this will be the last chance she has to have christmas dinner with them, which would be sad in any case but worse when we consider that until a few years ago, granny used to always host dinner, and everyone in the family would come from far and wide (sometimes from overseas) to attend.

    All this on top of ensure that santa has been for the sake of the kids, and in the evening we'll all be heading over to my sister's house apparently, all means I expect to be run ragged this year.
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    • Freddy

      Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

      Jul 15, 2007
      Retired - yay!
      Hiya C1.

      I like to put on a bit of a 'do' for whoever wants to come, I enjoy it. Yes, it's a bit stressful in logistical terms, but it's only once a year, so for me it's worth the effort. I (with the benefit of hindsight) would certainly make the effort to get those old folks a nice christmas dinner, I'm sure they'll appreciate it. But given what you said....

      Maybe do something for them Boxing Day ?
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      • clueless1

        clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

        Jan 8, 2008
        What an excellent idea. Thanks.
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        Well, my first thought is...I hope you have a great day with your family and friends and a "mer xm"

        to you!!
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          And the same back to you @ARMANDII and everyone else on good old GC.
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          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            Great idea family Nosh
            I/We usually do it all, for sixteen
            ( get a loan from the local school for trestle tables from the school dining hall)
            To cater for all, my daughters have to take year about with their inlaws

            This year in my number two daughters posh new house
            I am doing the turkey, roast tatties, parsnips, gravy and cranberry jelly
            Number one daughter and husband are doing the Soup, and Prawn Cocktails, along with home made Christmas pudding, brandy butter and sauce
            We as a family are providing the drinky poos and
            Number two daughter is providing the sprouts and boiled new potatoes :-)

            We are reduced in number this year, so both daughters PIL are coming too, with over night stay

            Julie has her Aunt and Brother (the half millionaire that brings his six cans of lager contribution for two weeks Crimbo holiday, providing I can pick him up from the Station seven miles away)
            (The only six stone man that can eat and drink non stop for fourteen days, clear the Crimbo cheese board in an afternoon and ask "anyone" who is going to the shop to bring him twenty cigs, then says he does not carry money would a cheque do)

            I do hope your Crimbo goes better than mine

            Jack McH
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            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              Freddys Boxing day suggestion is great Clueless:dbgrtmb: i'm sure it will make the older folks Christmas to see you all ,make it a good one:thumbsup:...

              Here our Christmases have never been the same since they 'went' and i for one feel it more at this time of the year...My Grandpa used to make some cracking speeches before we ate it was quite a highlight but we always looked forward to the bit..."to absent friends":ccheers:....then we could all tuck in... we still do it now but it's just not quite the same........:doh:getting all melancholy now:rolleyespink:

              Eat, drink and be merry and have a great one everyone:ccheers:
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Boxing Day is a great idea. :blue thumb:

                In our family, Christmas day was for immediate family and Boxing Day was for extended family. :)

                @clueless1 - A slightly different suggestion for the wife's grandparents. It will take a little bit more organising but should make it be much better.

                Why not cook the meal on Boxing Day at their house. That way you will have brought them company for a lot of the day (they can help look after the little ones whilst the cooking is going on), they get the lovely aromas of the food cooking (something I think is a major part of dinners) and they get the food steaming hot.

                Most of the food can be prepared in advance, soup already made, veggies peeled and prepared etc. They get a proper three course meal served as and when they want - and you get a second Christmas dinner :heehee:

                It's much better than a plated meals-on-wheels and they have company for their dinner.

                We've done this sort of thing for friends who have had problems in the past (e.g. both hurt in a car accident etc) and it makes a very big difference to them for not a great deal of effort. With one lot of friends we drove 110 miles each way one Sunday and I tidied up their garden whilst Mrs Shiney cooked the meal. They've never forgotten it. :blue thumb:
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  I'd go with the Boxing Day idea too mate - trying to do it all on Christmas Day would only result in you being frazzled.

                  I used to do the Christmas dinners for the whole family, and looking back I have no idea how I ever managed it in a pokey wee kitchen in a one bedroom flat, and for the first couple of years I did it all using a Baby Belling! We supplied the food and alcohol, all everyone else had to do was turn up; many a Christmas they headed home full, happy and ever so slightly tipsy.

                  The end came one year when I had bought everything as usual - £50 turkey from the local butcher, chipolatas, streaky bacon, stuffing, sprouts, parsnips, brussels, carrots, tatties + goose fat, king prawns for the prawn cocktail starter, and made a huge trifle, and then there was the alcohol - - I must have been £300 in if it was a penny.

                  Anyway, Christmas morning, one by one the phonecalls came and excuse after excuse - long story short, we ended up being just the two of us with the wee one, and a hell of a lot got wasted. That was it for me.
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                  • Kristen

                    Kristen Under gardener

                    Jul 22, 2006
                    Suffolk, UK
                    I was going to say exactly the same thing, although my proposal was that IF the grandparents house is big enough (more able to accommodate the marauding hordes than your house??) you do that on Christmas day - cart all the gear over there and cook and serve there. The logistics may be impractical though?

                    We used to alternate with my Cousin's family. One year, when it was our turn, Mother, Granny and I had a car crash on Christmas Eve. They all turned up as normal ... to gloat. You'd think they would have said "We'll come and collect everything and cook it for you all here".

                    Well on his way to becoming a full millionaire then, I expect?! Those sort of "first out of the taxi, last to the bar" folk don't get a second invitation here, along with any relative whose children have bad manners (I definitely blame the parents for that failure ...), and the Christmas card list gets culled with a Big Red Pen at the start of each December; fair-weather friends are removed, along with anyone who looks like becoming a fair-weather friend ...

                    I'm happy spending the time with People Like Us, and the rest can do likewise with their own.
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                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Same as us :blue thumb:
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • redstar

                        redstar Total Gardener

                        Aug 6, 2008
                        Domestic Goddess
                        Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                        It is only the 2 of us for Christmas Day. Had thought I might have to work, as there was staffing issues at one of my homes. But, turns out its getting covered. But did make dinner reservations at a nice restaurant. Or might change my mind and roast a turkey with stuffing. Love the leftovers. Still considering. Gathering some gifts for a husband who has everything. Getting together gifts for my staff. Baking some items. Couple more parties to attend before Christmas Day.
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                        • clueless1

                          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                          Jan 8, 2008
                          I got wife to phone her granny earlier today (well technically yesterday now) to ask if it was on, so I could know how much dinner stuff to buy.

                          Its definitely on. We're going to granny's to do dinner on boxing day.

                          The wife told me she's never heard her grandma sound so excited and cheery in a long time. Apparently she was over the moon at the suggestion and is now right excited about it.

                          I'd better make sure I get it right:)

                          I heard wife saying on the phone, "don't worry about any of that, I'll sort the table and <CL1> will sort the dinner":)

                          I'm going the whole hog (well, not a hog, figure of speech). I'm going to do beef slow cooked in red wine and onions, finished in the oven to give it a nice crust, all the roast veg, including mediterranean style roast spuds (featuring olive oil, rosemary and lemon juice), yorkshires, all the sauces, a chocolate yule log for pudding, all washed down with a nice bottle of wine.
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                          • redstar

                            redstar Total Gardener

                            Aug 6, 2008
                            Domestic Goddess
                            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                            going out for dinner. sounds like we will be joined with brother and sister in law. but not cooking. Maybe will make a nice lunch. our dinner reservations is at 6pm.
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                            • Jack McHammocklashing

                              Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                              May 29, 2011
                              Ex Civil Serpent
                              Fife Scotland
                              I hope it comes good, but one of the main things about Christmas dinner, is the time, amble along, relax, and after dinner lounge around with drinks, sweets, TV the Queen etc for a few hours
                              We as a family used to take it in turns, year around
                              When it came to Mother in Law She decided Christmas dinner would be at a Restaurant :-)

                              It was twelve miles away, and Xmas so a Taxi due mainly to the cost was out of the question, ala I had to drive them all, so could not have a glass of wine with Christmas dinner
                              Then came the dinner, not a patch on home produce and to make it worse twenty minutes after completion, asked to leave so they could prepare for the second sitting :-(

                              Then even worse, Mother in Law handed ME the bill :-) Her two son's have pockets deeper than Davy Jones' locker
                              Two 24 mile round trips to get them all home
                              Then when my family and I got home, the horrors of no Turkey left overs to nibble on in the evening

                              So here is to Christmas dinners but not away from the family home

                              They have passed on, but we still do year about, with my family, it is daughter number two this year, I am cooking the Turkey, daughter number one is doing the Prawn cocktails and Soup, Xmas pudding, and daughter number two is doing the Veg
                              All three of our families only live 500 metres away so no problem with a drink. Though our hosts husband is duty Officer Fire brigade Christmas day So will not be home until 20:00

                              I am going to cook FRESH for him returning, no warm up's

                              Merry Crimbo all

                              Jack McH
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