Climbers advice

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by Captain Autumn, May 16, 2020.

  1. Captain Autumn

    Captain Autumn Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 30, 2018
    Hi Folks
    just getting back into gardening after a year or so of not being able to do much - i'd like to get this trellis looking nice - the honeysuckle has survived but gone a bit top heavy - can i train it to go sideways to fill up the trellis either side?
    also i have just bought an Ena Harkness rose intended for the right hand side - but its a bit shady that side due to the fence -[photos area facing south east ish] will that be ok?
    also now i look closely at the rose [ i bought unseen click and collect!] it has what your very helpful site tells me is mildew on some of the leaves - i have sprayed with milk/water as advised - should i still plant it?
    many thanks for any words of wisdom
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