We visited our local outlet store this morning and whilst there we purchased our poppies for the year. I got to chatting with the British Legion Guy and talking about the medals that were on show. Amazing thing was, he was in the army located in the Malaysian jungle way back in the 60s protecting the borders. The only way to supply these guys was by low level airdrop. Guess who went on a few of these drops while serving in the Far East Air Force? Makes me proud to be British and to be personnel thanked by someone I helped out 40 odd years ago means a lot, a real lot. Thankyou Robert
Feel very proud capney Well Done! Father served out there in the late 40's...Special Forces. I have some interesting photo's s00kHe hopes to revisit for the first time next year on his way to Oz.
I struggle, morally, with this. I don`t believe war has resolved anything, but-BUT, I am very aware of the struggle and, in some cases, sacrifice of others to preserve my personal freedom, and am very proud to be English. Both my Grandads served during the second world war-one of which spent much of it in a German POW camp, the other was gassed and suffered til his death with the consequences. So, thankyou for what you and others have given to me.
Good for you Robert, and that is an amazing coincidence. We don't give our servicemen enough recognition here in the UK, a couple of years ago we had a family holiday in the States and at events/shows there was always a stand up ovation for any of their servicemen in the audience. They wear their uniform with pride, even around the theme parks. Better still over the PA system they asked for any British servicemen to stand up, and they all got huge applause as well. Imagine that happening at a Football match over here, I can't.
Totally disgusted to hear servicemen receive abuse from some of the public-even to the point where they were told not to wear their uniform in public.
Or even worse a Hotel near us refused to let a soldier in civvies use his prebooked room, when he showed his ID card to them on the desk. This was the Metro Hotel in Woking if anyone was ever thinking of using them in the future (I hope not).
I'm in agreement with you. I get very annoyed when I hear of the troops overseas not getting recognition or support from the public. Ok, they're involved in a controversial war in Iraq, but they're doing their job in difficult circumstances. A bit of support at home wouldn't go amiss. Great coincidence Capney . I read a bit about the troops that were stationed in Malaysia a while back, very interesting.
Thanks guys. You bought a tear to eyes. Fact is at the time this little spot of bother we as a country had out in the far east was not reported very well (if at all) in this country. That has always annoyed me. Fact is, we lost over 500 of our finest over the during the conflict in my time. Another huge event that effected me during my time out there was Vietnam. Another event that was not reported from the British angle. I could tell you some horror sights that haunt me to this day and accounts for why I cannot watch any movie or documant about Vietnam. Anyway, this is not the forum for me to sound off about my service memories, but I have to say thanks agian guys and gals and I shall continue to wear my veterans badge and polish my medals with honour. robert
Rudyard Kipling wrote on this very subject in a piece of prose called "Tommy". You might not agree with the political reasons for their actions and I'm sure many of them would agree with you. At the end of the day they're doing their job. We decide where they should be by who we vote for. The Politicians can play their silly games but it's our Armed Forces that have to carry the can. I think they deserve our support ( and the very best equipment) in every way. Can't say the same for Politicians