48 hours of Hell I had two pieces of toast for breakfast and a small sausage roll for lunch Thursday starved until Friday, when I started the cleaning process, a foul gloop that after every slurp evacuated a half pint out, after the full litre of gloop the remaining 12 hours was spent on the loo every fifteen minutes, when at 23:00 is slowed down I went to bed with an alarm at 06:00 Saturday to start the second litre of gloop and its response, By 14:00 I managed to enter the ward, given modesty knickers, an open backed gown, an opened backed gown on back to front and a plastic sack with my clothes in Then they took me into a side room, I signed authority papers to photograph, remove and operate whatever they needed, A cannula put in my arm, and laid on a trolley, Pushed me into the room, and ten seconds later pushed me out of the other door, a recovery room, They did nothing other than to tell me it was cancelled and would I do the same for Wednesday, Not bloody likely I was then in a locked ward for an hour until I had eaten two slices of toast and drank a cup of tea, then I had to contact someone to pick me up as they would not let me go without someone with me They said my blood was too thin and I could have bled to death, I advised them with proof that my blood had never been above inr 2 in two years, but they would not accept that, I am NOT going back
Good morning @Jack McHammocklashing what an awful experience my friend,I agree with you 100% and have taken the same deiscion as you
Sorry to hear this Jack Why did they wait untill then you can see why there are so many problems in this world no one tell you anything till the last minute,