companion planting experiment

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by sparkle, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. sparkle

    sparkle Gardener

    Jun 15, 2006
    I did some research on companion planting before planting my courgettes and tomatoes (in pots). I've perviously had problems with whitefly on courgettes so I thought it was worth a go.

    I found 3 plants that were recommended - french marigolds, nasturtiums and bush basil.

    Here are my findings:

    Nasturtiums - No whitefly or greenfly, however the nasturtiums grew massive and sucked a lot of nutrients from the crops and shaded out the courgettes when they were small. They also got terrible blackfly which started to spread to one of the tomatoes. The flowers and foleage do make the veg corner look lovely though.

    French mariolds - slugs are the first batch so I had to replant. No problems with any pests though, the plants were compact and non-invasive and flowers are nice and still going.

    Bush basil - I was very sceptical about this since when I grow basil it gets covered in every pest going. The first batch I planted was killed by slugs, the second batch by a hail stowm, the third batch really took off though. It got whitefly initially but that went of its own accord. I think the whitefly didn't like it as much as normal basil because the leaves are very small. No pests to report and plenty of tasty basil!

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