conifer stumps and peonies

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by pumpkinsoup, Jun 18, 2005.


Which name is the best for my frog house?

  1. Croakers Inn

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  2. Wartsen Hall

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  3. Hard Frog Cafe

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  4. Frogetmenot Cottage

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  1. pumpkinsoup

    pumpkinsoup Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 18, 2005
    hello everyone im a total novice beginner and need to learn lol,we have been in our house 4 3 years and just started on the gardens weve cleared them but im in need of a bit of advice,we chopped some conifers down to a stump as they were very tall and ivasive does anyone know how i can get rid of the stumps and roots,how long it will take and when can i replant?,also i have some wot ive been told are peonies (i dont know if the spellings right)in my front garden does anyone know if i can move them and if so whens the best time,its just shed its petals,thank u in advance and plz excuse me as im cluless but really want to learn
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I have gone for frogmenot cottage Li`l Miss.
  3. Garden master

    Garden master Gardener

    Sep 29, 2008
    Hi Pumpkinsoup
    The best time to move and divide peonies is September,
    To move a peony, cut the peony stems near ground level and carefully dig around and under each plant. Try to retain as much of the root system as possible. Promptly plant the peony in a sunny, well-drained site.

    If you are wanting to divide the peony, there are a few more steps. After digging up the plant, shake the clump to remove loose soil from the root system. Divide the clump into sections, with each division having at least 3 to 5 eyes (buds) and a good portion of the root system.

    Peonies grow best in full sun and well-drained soils. Dig a hole large enough for the entire root system. Place the peony plant in the hole so the eyes are 1 to 2 inches below the soil surface. Make sure you do not plant them any deeper than this or they will not bloom. Fill the hole with soil, then water thoroughly.
    Space plants about 3 to 4 feet apart. Apply a 2 to 4 inch layer of mulch in late fall. Mulching will prevent freezing and thawing of the soil that could damage the plants. Remove the mulch in early spring before the peony begins to grow.
    Transplanted peonies will not bloom well the first spring, but should be back to full flower production by the third or fourth year.

    As for removing the stumps and roots itll be best to get in a stumpgrinder, this will grind out the stumps and root system to well below ground level. :thumb:

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