Conifer woes :(

Discussion in 'Container Gardening' started by Delta, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Delta

    Delta Gardener

    Nov 17, 2011
    Disabled, unemployed.
    Belfast N. Ireland UK
    I've had this poor conifer for almost 20 yrs & while obviously years ago it was in good nick, since my health deteriorated to where I struggle to repot a 10 inch plant pot, & thus have no mission of easily repotting this poor thing or getting help to do it, it amazingly continues to put out new growth each spring. However, what new growth it does get now seems to almost die off in the winter and I really don't know if it's worth even trying to rescue it at this point anyway.

    I've "top soiled" it - removed the top 2 inches & replaced yearly plus have fed it but probably not properly, but I suspect it really REALLY needs fully repotted.

    So what I really wanted to ascertain is whether it's the type of conifer I could prune right back or given most of the growth is now at the tips, would that finish it off completely??

    Is there anything I could do to marginally try & rescue it before it really IS too late for it? Or has that time already come & I'd be better off cutting my losses sooner rather than later?

    Any thoughts?

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