Consumer Advice Needed for 24 month old useless CCTV camera

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by JWK, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I bought a CCTV camera from Amazon nearly two years ago. It sends an alert to my phone then I can view a short clip of whatever triggered the video. About 2 weeks ago they changed their app so I can no longer see my video clips. A pop-up advert obscures the video with a link to buy a subscription. Like this (it is looking at the cat flap):

    Screenshot_20221219-134716_YI IoT.jpg

    I always got the message "Get Premium Cloud to watch full video..." every few days and the link allowed me to dismiss it and carry on. Now I cannot dismiss the message.

    The main reason I bought this camera was because it was free to view, all recordings are on an internal SD card so there is no need for me to buy cloud storage or anything else. I have contacted the manufacturer who give this feeble excuse:

    "Thank you for contacting Kami Vision and YI Support.

    I hope this email finds you well and I apologize for the inconvenience this had caused you.

    Recently, the MANUFACTURER of your camera brand decided to opt out of our YI IoT app service contract. This decision made by your camera manufacturer caused our app to be unable to fully support all the app features for your camera, such as

    • the ability to playback the 6-second clip alerts
    • Update the camera to maintain app compatibility
    We will try our best to keep the camera working on our app and maintain as much function as possible. You have been a long-time user, and as a courtesy, we would like to offer you a couple of options to resolve this:

    1. 30% special discount on any premium cloud plan
    2. Free camera to replace your current one with the purchase of an annual cloud plan (For limited regions only)"

    I have been going round in circles with their support and cannot get anywhere.

    What are my rights for returning this item to Amazon? I think I may have up to 6 years for something that is not fit for purpose?
  2. Perki

    Perki Total Gardener

    Jun 2, 2017
    I don't know you'll be able to send it back due to how long you've had it and technically to them it still works . Its not a Amazon product either so they may say take it up with the supplier.

    Looks like you are not the only one have problems with the change in app update when you look at the reviews . They is one review on amazon saying he has returned it back to amazon after having a chat with them bought FEB 2021 .
    • Like Like x 1
    • ricky101

      ricky101 Total Gardener

      Jun 15, 2016
      Seem to remember reading about a similar thing with other tech devices as it is becoming a regular problem of the vendors changing their Free App/software policy like that.

      The catch always seems to be that the actual hardware is working fine, so you cannot claim the device if faulty.
      For the originally free App and software, that still seems to be a wild west type of situation and for your lesser known app, too small for a group action, doubt their is little recourse available to you.

      Looking on the current YI cameras on Amazon , no mention of any monthly charges .

      Which camera have you got and how much are they wanting for their premium service ?
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        There is a lot of controversy about 'Smart' products not being able to get updates and then becoming unsafe but this seems to be something different.

        I don't know the situation but it would also whether you bought 'from' Amazon or 'through' Amazon. If it was from amazon then they are the retailer and may have some responsibility under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. If it was through Amazon then the retailer has that responsibility.

        The manufacturer is not responsible for what the retailer has advertised it as. If it was advertised as being able to be seen through your phone then I would imagine the retailer is in contravention of the Act - but I'm not really conversant with smart technology.

        I would be inclined to contact the retailer and state that as it is not fit for purpose they are in contravention of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and ask them what they intend doing about it. You would normally be covered for six years.
        • Informative Informative x 1
        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          The cloud service ranges from £25.99 to £129.99 per year, depending on number of cameras (I have one) and length of video playback. It may be a fair price but for what I use it for I don't need anything other than the 6 second free clip. I wouldn't have bought it if I knew they were going to hold me to ransom.

          I bought a cacagoo security camera, it doesn't seem to be listed on Amazon now.

          You may be right, thing is how does that square to another product like a tv that relies on software and hardware, can Toshiba remotely disable your TV and hold you to ransom ?
        • ricky101

          ricky101 Total Gardener

          Jun 15, 2016

          We have a more traditional PVR based camera system than the stand alone one like yours, but a couple of things come to mind.

          Can you use the free software/app from another different supplier ? they all seem very similar and quote that 6 second clip, again no mention of any paid for service.

          That makes us think its a standard thing in that your get some free unspecified time before they use their premium cost tricks, or would it be simpler just to buy a different camera for what seems to be about £30 .. ?

          Re the legal situation, there is a fortnightly magazine called Computer Active £2 sold in the big supermarkets that has a Consumer Help section that tackles tech situations like yours , so might be worth sending them an email, though not sure how quick they are this time of year.
          Subscription Offers From Just £3 | Computeractive
          • Useful Useful x 1
          • JWK

            JWK Gardener Staff Member

            Jun 3, 2008
            Thanks for that good idea @ricky101, so I looked at a couple of apps, iSpy for example but it doesn't seem the right thing. The other cheap cameras that look similar to mine seem to use this same YI app that forces you to buy a cloud subscription.

            Good point @shiney , I didn't realise there were two ways to buy on Amazon - just thought everything comes from one big Amazon warehouse. I looked at my invoice and it says the seller is "CompAcy" which appears to be a Chinese company. Their shopfront has disappeared off Amazon and all links seem to be dead ends.

            I'll message Amazon in the first place to see where I stand, quoting the Consumer Rights Act 2015. I'm not losing any sleep over this, it was only £30. The camera is still working, I just have have to pop out the SD card to view any recordings.
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • JWK

              JWK Gardener Staff Member

              Jun 3, 2008
              @ricky101 can you elaborate please, I think I need some advice on a better solution. There is so much choice out there. Is a PVR a box you have plugged in and running all the time? Does it ping you notifications on your phone if it detects movement? Assume they don't need a cloud subscription but are they expensive in the first place?
            • ricky101

              ricky101 Total Gardener

              Jun 15, 2016
              Yes you are right , there are so many systems out there from the many far east suppliers to lots of more well known brands like Ring, Blink, Swann etc.

              Ours is a recording box that accepts several cameras, but we use the wired types.
              Its an older system and only has email notification from motion detection, though you can do remove live viewing from another pc, though not sure if you could do that from a browser on the mobile phone ?? We do not use those features but have never seen any mention of extra costs to use them.

              There more modern DVRs do have Apps etc as you can see if you look down in this link.
              ANNKE 8CH 8MP 4K Video H.265+Network Recorder NVR for Home Security PoE System | eBay

              Looking at more of the cameras like yours, including the ones from the bigger brands, they all come with a short period of trial use and then its subscription, so think you have been lucky to have had it for free for so long.
              Though your supplier did not intially make you aware it may charge you for those services in the future, the fact than so many other suppliers now make it a condition, think you might have a hard time claiming anything back.
              • Like Like x 1
              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Nothing to stop you trying, though :biggrin:
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