cooks garden

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by dani, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. dani

    dani Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 10, 2010
    Hi everyone,

    I've been experimenting a little this summer with growing bits in my back garden - spuds, peppers, tomatoes etc, some more successfully then others.

    Everything is coming to an end, and I'm looking for any edible produce that is suitable to start planting now?

    Everything will be in containers, due to the layout of my garden. The garden is very sheltered, its on a hill and enclosed on all sides by walls. Its a shadey garden, due to the walls, and its small size. There are some good spots for climbers beside the wire fencing.

    I'm in the centre of Northern Ireland, and we don't tend to be overly warm.

    I don't have a greenhouse - although I am planning on one for next year. I can start plants off inside, but will need to move out once established.

    Any good ideas?


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