I'm thinking of planting one of these in my south facing Hampshire garden, which is a little bit chalky. Anyone got one of these, and if so, how did it do in your garden? thanks
I haven't come across that before, Lynne - sounds very interesting from my googling! Since it's a NZ plant, it should do fairly well where I am! Thanks very much for bringing it to my attention! :D Can't say anything from my own experience, obviously, but here's some info which might help http://www.treesforsurvival.org.nz/TREEINFO/images/coprosma%20with%20figs.pdf I would think you might need neutral to acid soil, although I can't see that anywhere on this info.... but to get fruit you will need both male and female plants, like with most hollies, and skimmias, etc. Hope that helps a bit
Lynne, I have not heard of that either - how interesting. What made you chose that? and is it easily available?
I saw it in my local nursery "Wolverton Plant Centre" and thought, ooooo, not even heard of that, let alone seen one before! I like unusual things in my garden!