Cotoneaster type?

Discussion in 'Other Plants' started by Bb135, Mar 15, 2025 at 6:44 AM.

  1. Bb135

    Bb135 Apprentice Gardener

    May 17, 2024
    IMG_9201.jpeg Hi. Does anyone know what type of cotoneaster this is? I have narrowed it down to either willow leaved or coriaceus. But not sure. If it helps I think it is semi evergreen as it loses most but not all of its leaves over winter. It is very tall over 12ft and is multi stemmed with arching habit.

    Also. Does anyone have any ideas on how to control its size as don’t want it to get any bigger or bushier but like it’s form. I have heard hard pruning creates lots of vigourous growth that takes ages to bend and weep again?

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