Could anybody identify this young plant please?

Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by Pink, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Pink

    Pink Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 4, 2009
    I hope I've put this in the right section.

    I went on a bit of a planting 'frenzy' when we first moved to this house and I had my very own garden for the first time! I've got so many plants growing indoors and like a true novice, I forgot to label half of them and I have no idea what this plant is.

    It's not easy for me to take a decent picture of it, but it looks a bit like a tiny little daffodil only instead of the yellow petal, the same shape is made out of a green leaf.

    I thought it might be a foxglove or snapdragon, but it's too big compared to the other foxgloves and snapdragons that are only tiny (it might even be a spinach beet) but I'm confused as to why it is the only one that looks like this... It doesn't resemble any of the other plants that are growing!

    I'd be grateful if anyone has any ideas on what it is, it's about 3 or 4 weeks old I think

    Thank you!

  2. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    The photos are a bit blurred Pink, so can`t make out what the plant is, but, I think the problem may be that the seed casing is still attached to the rear of the leaves.
  3. Pink

    Pink Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 4, 2009
    Thanks David, it does seem like the back of the plant head is wrinkled (like a dark green cabbage) as if it's 'restrained' somehow. I wonder if it's a nasturtium or geranium (due to it's size) then.

    It's like a single leaf that is distorted into a trumpet shape.

    Unfortunately I'm an even worse photographer than I am a gardener! :hehe:

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