Crawly things on my honeysuckle

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by paddy_rice, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. paddy_rice

    paddy_rice Gardener

    May 31, 2008
    Hi guys

    I just found a load of teeny white caterpillars on my honeysuckle. I found some partially brown, strangely textured leaves and on the underside there were the little swines plus lots of tiny droplets of fluid. The caterpillars are no more than 5mm long and are white/pale green with black heads. I picked off the leaves that they were on and binned them.

    Has anyone any idea what they might be? I've got a vague memory of seeing something like them on TV (coulda been Gardeners' World, or Springwatch) but can't remember what they grew up to be.... !! I did see a moth on my honeysuckle a few weeks ago... coincidence?

    If anyone knows what they are and could tell me what to do if I find any remaining caterpillars?

    Much obliged! :)

  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Honeysuckle is very attractive to numerous moths and those caterpillars could well be the result of their visits. If your plant is big enough to tolerate a bit of damage, it would be interesting to see what any other caterpillars grow into. But that's the kind of thing I used to do as a little boy many years ago and might not be practical for you!

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