Crop Harvest Duration

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Kristen, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    As some of you know I've been trying to gather some data on cropping times and timings so that I can plan my vegetable garden better.

    This comes about because I have traditionally gardened by sowing a row of lettuce and then my DW quite rightly complaining that a) we don't need a couple of hundred lettuce all at once (personally I'd throw a lettuce-soup party for everyone we know, but given a democratic vote between the two of us I doubt I would hold the casting vote!) and b) "Where are the Lettuces for the rest of the season?"

    For "lettuces" substitute all other varieties I grow.

    Added to this we have heavy soil, and "failures" are a nuisence (muck up the plan) so this year I am growing pretty much everything in pots, and transplanting to veg patch, and thus sowing for succession is, in theory!, higly achievable (Pigeons ate all my Brassicas sitting in 3" pots right next to the house yesterday :) )

    So ... this year I am recording when I sow, plant, and just as importantly when I harvest. The "harvest" dates I'm recording are my best actual, or estimate, date of when the first harvest date was, and when the last harvest date was, or would have been (if we hadn't polished the crop off earlier!). Also how much more, or less, the household actually needs.

    (I started a thread offering my Spreadsheet for folk to record dates earlier in the season; if you are interested it is here: )

    I plan to ask some questions on here to see what sort of crop duration you are experiencing. (If you have some Sowing / Planting dates that's great - it gives sowing-to-cropping timeline for that variety, but First-to-Last harvestable crop is my main objective)

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