De Luxe propogation

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by PeterS, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I have still got mi dark glasses and smile on, man!

    This thread relates to the previous hydroponics trip, which set me thinking. But I thought I ought to start a new thread. My propagation, of mainly cuttings, is pretty hit and miss. In mid summer they sometimes do very well, but at this time of year in an unheated propagator they often fail.

    Does anyone have any knowledge of the optimum propagation techniques. Yesterday, on my hydroponics trip, I was told that rooting jelly was better than powder, that you need to control the temperature and humidity and that you need to provide artificial light. I understand seeds need the right kind of bulb and respond best to 24 hours of light a day. But cuttings require something a bit different.

    Control of temperature and provision of light do seem to be logical. I am sure that the application of science could improve the process, as sometimes you want to take cuttings of a very small or precious parent plant, and really do not want failures.
  2. Mrs cloudy

    Mrs cloudy Gardener

    Mar 6, 2005
    I dont know details but i understand that this is one way the big growers multiply new varieties of things like pelargonium. Ive seen a photo of thousands of clones being grown in nutrient gell but cant remember where i saw it. Im sure someone will have the details. Good luck.
  3. Dee

    Dee Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 3, 2005
    I have seen Tomatoes grown hydroponically... it works very well for them.. an they don't taste half bad either. :cool:
  4. colins1979

    colins1979 Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 26, 2010
    I find that cutting alway do very well using a hydroponic bubbler system. The cutting are taken and placed in a rockwell cube. the cube is placed in a cut out in a bucket lid. The bucket in filled with water with a air stone bubbling the watter onto the stems. Place clear plastic domes over the cutting to provide near to 100% humidity. Within a week you should have close to a 100% sucess rates and a good root system. Make sure not to let any light into the water / root section.

    I found this shop to have a good section and this is where I purchased mine from. hydroponic shop


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